lunes, 12 de octubre de 2009


12 Vier Road
New York
30th September

Dear Marie,
How are you? I hope everything goes well I hope your family is all well.
I've now started school and I is very difficult.
I written this letter because I would like to tell you exited about on the most interested in parties in the county: In Christmas
Christmas is of the most popular days because I spend the day with my family and 24th of December is one of the most active days becauseis hitting de piñata and leaving gifts.
The 6th of January is an especial day because people go to meet the three kings and the next day everybody finf sore presents on their home
These days I eaten with my family.
Do you like to spend Christmas in Catalonia?
I hope everything goes well and I hope you receive a letter.
Write soon!

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